We passed our Cyber Essentials certification!

We passed our Cyber Essentials certification!

We passed our Cyber Essentials certification from IASME this week. Hooray! Certified by Principle Defence. Thank you for guiding us through the process and helping us achieve our first certification.

Cyber Essentials is an effective, Government backed standard scheme that protects against the most common cyber attacks. We are an innovative development studios - with a gift shop! - with an eclectic skill set delivering solutions utilising our design, print, physical product and software development technical skill set. If you have a project that requires CE certification we’re pleased to say we now can help you.

You can spot our new Cyber Essentials logo on our footer.

#cyberessentials #security #protection #smallbusinessuk #design #print #productdevelopment #softwaredevelopment #innovation #developmentstudios #berkshire

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